Have you been keeping up with the controversial Hobby Lobby case in the Supreme Court of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby? The company has taken a very public position against certain provisions of The Affordable Care Act, specifically as it relates to covering contraception for women. They cover male contraception in the form of vasectomy, but take issue with providing contraception for women. David Green, founder of the very successful family-owned retail chain, wants the court to expand the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 so that businesses like his can opt out of certain provisions of Obamacare on religious grounds.
Whatever your political or religious views on contraception, consider what politics and religious views can have on your company’s brand. Mary Buffett, writer for The Huffington Post does an excellent job of laying out the facts and the potential toll this case may have on the successful brand name Hobby Lobby has made for itself over the past several years. Why Hobby Lobby Loses Even if it Wins at the Supreme Court.