by Tom Barrett | Feb 22, 2022 | Employer Issues, Healthcare Issues, Medicare, Medicare Medicaid, Uncategorized
Your particular monthly premium and drug costs depend on the type of Medicare coverage and the respective plan you have selected. Whether it’s a stand-alone Prescription Drug Plan if you are covered under Original Medicare (Option 1), or a Medicare Advantage HMO or...
by BBGAdmin | Nov 2, 2021 | Employer Issues, Healthcare Costs, Healthcare Issues, ICHRA, Insurance
What Is An ICHRA? ICHRA stands for Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement. As of January 1, 2020 federal regulation has expanded the usability of HRAs, providing employers with a whole new way of providing health insurance to their employees. Whether...
by Tom Barrett | Mar 24, 2021 | Employer Issues, General Insurance Issues, Health Policy, Healthcare Costs, Insurance, National News, Uncategorized
What are the key parts of this bill that affect healthcare consumers? Larger Subsidies Everyone who currently receives a subsidy will qualify for bigger subsidies. The size of the increase will depend on county, age, and income as a percentage of the Federal Poverty...
by BBGAdmin | May 8, 2020 | Employer Issues, General Health, Healthcare Costs, Medicare, Uncategorized
Until now, virtual healthcare could still be described as something of a novelty utilized by “early adopters” like those consumers that traditionally are the first to use a new technology. I bet, until now, if you asked a healthcare expert about when...
by Tom Barrett | Apr 16, 2020 | Employer Issues, Featured, Healthcare Issues, Medicare
Here are the latest Medicare Enrollment postings to the Social Security & Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) website: Can I enroll in Medicare? Date: April 14, 2020 If you already have Medicare Part A and wish to sign up for Medicare Part B under the Special...
by Deanna Broaddus | Mar 23, 2020 | Employer Issues, Featured, General Health
BBG has a long history of many of its employees working from home. Recently, the rest of the team has joined in this practice. As a result, some of the newbie home workers needed tips from our more veteran home workers! This blog post is a compilation of advice from...