Here is my final post in the Obamacare…Did you know? series…
Many low-income consumers who bought bronze plans with low premiums but high deductibles in order to comply with Obamacare’s individual mandate are discovering they still can’t afford health care. Reports are that many with insurance coverage purchased on the exchange are returning to the community health centers for treatment. Community health centers cannot turn anyone away. Wonder if the narrow networks that are associated with the exchange products and the well documented problems with these networks including the limited number of providers participating have also had an impact on this?
Read Some say Obamacare’s affordable coverage isn’t affordable for them
A recent Associated Press-GfK poll that finds that nearly 75 percent of Americans find healthcare reform “difficult” and nearly half say it is “very hard” to understand.
Health insurance is both expensive and complex. We work for many great employers who work hard to provide strong coverage to employees while covering much of the cost. These employers provide leadership, guidance, and pay for a substantial share of the employee’s premium, if not all of it. Their employees should be thankful that they don’t have to wade into current individual market quagmire, most especially the exchanges, to find their own way.