What do we see?
Our opinion was that if Hillary Clinton had won, ACA would have gotten the heavy lift it would have needed to advance. The difficult regulations would have been imposed (vs delayed further) and the money would have been allocated from general funds to stabilize the market.
Without the heavy lift, big trouble for ACA would be on the horizon.
The horizon is here. What we see initially is that the regulations will start to go away (changed or ignored) and cash infusion will not happen. What remains to be seen is what the party in power will do to replace the law. Doing nothing will almost be a replacement, but to what? The Republicans do have various plans, but which course they will follow remains to be scene.
Our job will be to let you know how this will affect you and your people. As of today, we just hold the course. The taxes and reporting requirements are still in place. The plans on the market have not changed. We will keep you aware as things change. If things hit your radar or you have questions on what you read or hear, please let us know and we will dig in.
For more on the latest: ACA Compliance Bulletin — Congress Clears Path for ACA Repeal