by Deanna Broaddus | Jul 23, 2020 | Featured, Insurance
We’ve received a lot of comments from clients who are concerned about changing carriers during a pandemic. We completely understand this concern and have addressed it with clients directly. However, we wanted to also address it here in a blog post. How is Open...
by Mike Barrett | Mar 3, 2020 | Employer Issues, Featured, Healthcare Costs, Insurance, Medicare, Uncategorized
When you have both Medicare and employer-based coverage, Medicare will either pay primary or secondary for your medical costs. When Medicare is primary insurance, Medicare pays for your medical bills first. When Medicare is the secondary insurance, Medicare pays...
by Deanna Broaddus | Nov 4, 2019 | Featured, General Insurance Issues, Health Policy, Insurance
‘Tis the season for open enrollment in the world of health insurance! Open enrollment for Medicare 2020 has already begun (October 15th – December 7th, 2019). Additionally, individual open enrollment is underway (November 1st – December 15, 2019)....
by BBGAdmin | Oct 21, 2019 | Employer Issues, Healthcare Costs, Insurance, National News, Uncategorized
An ‘Annual poll of employers by Kaiser Family Foundation finds premiums rose 5% for family plans; ‘It’s the cost of buying an economy car.’ Let us show you how we help our employees operate at substantially below this scary number through SharedFunding. Click...
by Tom Barrett | Sep 23, 2019 | Employer Issues, Healthcare Costs, Insurance, National News, News and Events, Uncategorized
Groupons have been in the medical news lately (for example “Groupons For Medical Treatment? Welcome To Today’s U.S. Health Care” and “Groupons for medical care are helping patients save money”) with stories of deeply discounted rates for some...
by Tom Barrett | May 24, 2019 | Healthcare Costs, Insurance, Providers, SharedFunding, Uncategorized
A study of spending on 12.5 million diagnostics tests by UnitedHealthcare once again revealed substantial variation in the prices patients pay for common diagnostic tests. The seven groups of common diagnostic tests included echocardiograms, mammograms and...