Health Insurance is Expensive.
Lower Costs AND Protect Employees.
In 2004, BBG developed the highly acclaimed SharedFunding program to help reduce healthcare costs to employers while maintaining the same level of benefit provided to employees. Today, a bevy of employers subscribe to BBG’s SharedFunding program and capitalize on BBG’s related employer-focused solutions, our strengths, and our areas of expertise.
- “Fortune 500 Caliber Solution” For Mid-Size and Small Employers
- Safe and Fully Insured; Returns Control to the Employer
- Documented Bottom Line Savings of 20% and Up (We’ll Show You)
- Lower Your Health Costs. Protect Employee Coverage. Innovative. Safe. Practical.
- Lower Fixed Costs / Predictable Variable Costs / Lower Total Costs
- For Our Clients That Seek Innovative Alternatives
- Delivers a Solid Long-Term Strategy; “Compound Leveraging”
- Innovative and Customizable, Providing Both Choice and Flexibility
- Enhanced Data Collection and Analysis
- Better Information for Budgeting and Renewal Strategy
- Greater Control Over Valuable Resources
- Your Plan, Like Most of Our Clients, Will Be Customized to What Best Meets the Needs of Your Organization and Your Employees
- Typically, our Clients First Seek to Replicate the Benefits They Currently have in Place
- Create and Offer Multiple Plan Designs
- “A Willingness to Think a Little Differently Has Resulted in Significant and Sustained Savings with No Reduction in Our Benefits.”
Are you willing to think differently?
Is SharedFunding right for your company?
- Your premium is reduced significantly
- You fund claims ONLY as employees incur them
- Large claims are paid by the insurance company
BBG’s data collection and vast experience enable us to create meaningful cost predictions. Every one of our clients has saved money with our program. The average savings is over 20%.
How do we do it?
3 Easy Steps
Our SharedFunding solution enables employers to make a distinction between insurance and employee benefits.
- Purchase a fully insured high deductible plan
- Utilize our secure reimbursement process
- Protect and please your employees with the program you create
Buy the insurance protection you need! Create the benefits program you want!
Employers are crushed every year by double-digit increases of health insurance premiums. Our unique program enables our clients to cut costs significantly without slashing benefits. Our detailed financial reports enable you to plan with precision and keep costs low renewal after renewal.
Think of BBG Inc. as your strategic ally in reducing your insurance costs. We work with you to avoid the runaway freight train of insurance premium increases.
“Our SharedFunding plan enabled us to save 25% and keep employee contribution flat.”
“The reporting we receive enables us to plan for the future and find ways to manage our costs.”
“After being in the program for a few years, we decided to move to an even higher deductible to save more.”
SharedFunding Blog Posts
Shopping for Small Group Rates
Challenges An employer with 16 employees on their medical plan received a rate increase, this time for 7%. This increase did not seem overwhelming, but the group was not taken to market for 3 years, and the increases over that time were consistent.Solution BBG...
Small Group ICHRA Case Study
Challenges A 37 eligible life employer with 25 employees on their plan recently experienced another medical insurance increase that pushed their rates to a tipping point, becoming unsustainable for the company. This escalation in costs was a concern for both...
ICHRA Case Study
Challenges Not all employers face out-of-control healthcare costs, but it can happen to any company relatively quickly. A 200 eligible life employer with 125 employees on the plan received a 20% medical insurance increase and were left with what seemed like no options...
2023 SharedFunding Case Study
Challenges A 100 eligible life employer with 70 employees on the plan received a 14% medical insurance increase and were left with what seemed like no options to curb costs. The group provided BBG with a simple census, and their renewal packet and we prepared a...
Building a Solid Benefits Program Foundation with BBG
When launching any company-led initiative, having a solid foundation is essential. For employee benefits, it's logical to turn to a company with a mastery of services and offerings that every employer has come to expect. BBG is the employee benefits broker you can...
Navigating the Complex World of Group Health Plans
In the complex world of group health plans, employers often find themselves navigating a web of requirements and pressures. One such requirement is the concept of minimum participation, which can pose significant challenges for businesses striving to provide...
Beyond the “3Rs”
In the world of education, when things get overly complicated and confusing to many, it leads to a reaction where there is a call to return to the “3Rs” (reading, writing, and arithmetic). The same thing happens in the employee benefits/health insurance world. But,...
The Compound Savings of SharedFunding
The value of SharedFunding is that it creates a gap between what you were paying for traditional insurance and what you pay with SharedFunding. Unfortunately it’s typical for insurance costs to increase annually. However, we’ve found that by creating a gap with...
Lower Your Costs and Keep Your Benefits
Let us know how we can help.
805 E. Bloomingdale Ave #777
Brandon, FL 33511
Contact Us
Toll Free: 866-845-8600
Fax: 866-539-5643